Even if no one reads my blog now, maybe, one day, if I explode to amazing fame and live the life i dream about when I fall asleep every night, someone will look through these. Maybe someone will pour over my old blog entries trying to learn everything they possibly can about photography, just like I do now. So here I am, posting my inspiration for why I fell in love with photography, what I want to do.
The absolutely famous photo guru,
Jasmine StarA photographer I just came across recently, but am absolutely amazed by because she launched her business at 17 and at the age of 20 is running a super successful photo business! She has accomplished more at the age of 20 than I hope to by 25!
Jamie DelaineAnd then just for artistic inspiration?
Well, one of my favorite songs of all time that drives me to create is
Seattle-The Classic CrimeAnd then I love both this video and the song!
I am so thankful to everyone who as inspired me as an artist and as a person. I am so inspired by tons of photographers! Just a few mentioned today though.
To art.
And a sneak peek of shots I took for my boyfriend's djing website that will be launching this Summer...