Okay guys, I have a LOT to say. I'm just warning you so you don't keep on reading to find that this post never ends! Bear with me. :)
I'm going to be taking the SAT II tomorrow-- and (cross your fingers) hopefully it'll be the last one i take! It's sad, but also super exciting that high school is coming to a close. I'm going to be starting my last year in the fall! I've been at the same school, with the same people for ten years! I'm nervous and excited to start what feels like-- the rest of my life!
Today was a GREAT day. I love San Francisco and I love photography, so I was super stoked to combine them in one! I got to have lunch with an amazing San Francisco Wedding photographer
Gladys Jem. I was really really nervous about meeting her, because I'm so inexperienced and this great photographer was offering me her time! But Gladys was soooo sweet, and she answered all my questions and more! She was super helpful and I am so appreciative of her having lunch with me. It made me even more excited about photography. She gave me great advice about lenses, business, clients, shooting, and post-processing! I couldn't have asked for a better person to meet with.
Besides being an amazing photographer, Gladys is also gorgeous in her free time.
I love the colors of the grass with the blue of her dress!
And her shoes? LOVE them!
Even though this picture wasn't intentional, i love her smile!
Gladys is SO nice and she let me try out her nice lens on my camera-- the fstop is way wider, and I LOVE the depth of field I got in this picture.
Once again, I am soooo thankful that Gladys met with me. She was so nice and had great advice and experience.
So, the last note! I'll be leaving on Sunday (eek!) to go to Russia for two weeks! I'm super excited but I'll be offline for a while. I'll try to post pictures through the weeks of all the stuff I'm doing. Have a great two weeks everyone!