Here's the background: I met up with the sweetest photographer a while back, and she was so sweet and I learned so much just from talking with her. Gladys Jem is truly amazing! So when I got home, I friended Gladys on facebook and we kept talking some. She even, so nicely, kept up with reading my blog and left me a bunch of comments (which, of course made me sooo happy!) But Gladys went above and beyond-- she decided to set up a couple's session in San Francisco both for her and to help me learn. I was blown away when I found out-- she was going out of her way to allow me to take photographs and learn from her.
I met up with Gladys, Joerelle and Karl, in San Francisco. (Gladys even let me use her 40D instead of my Rebel... have I said yet how nice she is?!?!?!) Joerelle and Karl are soo nice, and she is absolutely gorgeous! Karl is also interested in photography, and he brought along his camera and took some shots.
Once again, I had an amazing time shooting with Gladys and I am sooo thankful for the help that she has given me. I'm taking a journey of a lifetime, learning, and falling in love with photography. Hopefully I captured some of what Joerelle and Karl are in these photos. I hope you enjoy!

Love, love, love this shot Gladys came up with! Just from this picture, you would have NO idea where they really are...

Look at that-- Joerelle knows how to work it!

Winddd!! :)

I think this might be my favorite image I've taken-- it's just sooo sweet.

I'm not sure what it is about this image, but I love it.

I'll leave you with this image...

Erica, you are the freakin cutest thing in the world! F'real! Your favorite image from this set, is also my favorite image from this set. You're amazing! I am more than happy to help out someone so sweet as you. I know your future is just so bright and I'm glad I'm here to watch it all happen! Xoxoxox